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The importance of using a strong password for your Facebook account cannot be overemphasized. Use passwords with mixed characters that you can easily remember but cannot be guessed.

 Using your phone number or birth date is a red flag. Using the same password you used for other social accounts is also a wrong practice and makes your account an easy target for hackers. 

If you suspect unusual activities or you feel your password is weak; you can learn how to reset your password here.

How to Change Facebook Password On A Computer

This process is only for registered users who have completed the signup process. This is actually not a difficult task as it requires you to enter your old and the new password you are changing to;

§  Open a web browser on your computer and type www.facebook.com in the address bar. This should take you to your Facebook account news feed automatically if you had used the browser to log in to your account. Otherwise, you will have to log in with your account details.

§  Click on the down arrow to the right of the question mark icon. From the drop-down list.

§  Click on the setting icon. This will take you to your account settings.

§  On this page click on Security and Login below General in the column at the left-hand side of the page. This will take you to the Security and Login page.

§  Scroll down and click the edit button to the right of Change Password (under Login).
§  A form drops down once youve done so; type your current password in the Current text box, type your new password in New text box; retype the new password in the Re-type new text box to confirm the accuracy of the new password you had entered. Once youve completed the form; click the save changes icon to submit the form. Doing this completes the Facebook password change process.

How to Change Facebook Password Using Mobile App

§  Tap the Facebook app on your mobile device. You can download and install the app from your mobile App store. If you have the app currently on your device, Tapping the app should take you to your account automatically, otherwise, log in with your account login details.

§  Tap the menu button at the lower right on iPhone and at the upper right on Android phones. From the drop-down menu tap Account Settings tap Settings first before tapping Account Settings on iPhone. This will show you another menu; tap Security and login option in the menu. This will show you another menu.
§  Under the login section of the menu, tap Change password. This will take you to form; enter your current password in the current field, enter the new password you prefer in New password field, re-enter the new password in the Re-type new password field. Tap the Save Changes button below Re-type new password to submit the form. Doing this completes the password change process; you now have a new password for your account.

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