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When people post content on Facebook, it's a common practice to tag friends. If you find such tags offensive or you don't like the posts that appear on your timeline, you can manage your Account Preferences. 

You can make any changes you like to your account. Just visit the Facebook Account Settings section to get started.

 In this section, you're presented with various options, you can decide to change your Account name, Email, Phone number, Activate Facebook mobile, Change notification settings, and Turn on security features. Facebook account settings also, help the user to adjust their account privacy settings.

Facebook Account Settings How To Set Up Your Account

·        First, log on to www.facebook.com on your computer.
·        This will direct you to your news field if you are already logged on to Facebook. But, if you are not logged in, enter your email and password in text boxes provided and Click login.
·        Click on the arrow icon, at the right of the question mark icon.
·        From the drop-down menu click on settings this will lead you to the page where you can review your general account preferences.
·        You access other account settings by clicking on the options you want to change on the left side of the screen. However, you will have to save every change you make.

Protect Your Password

Its recommended you change your Facebook Password from time to time especially once you notice any suspicious activities. Most times hackers may be trying to hack your account. By changing your password from Facebook Account Settings will totally prevent them from getting to your account.

§  Click on the Security And Login icon from the menu in the left-hand column.
§  Click on the edit icon at the front of the change password.
§  From the drop-down form, enter your current password in the current text box and the new password in the new text box.
§  Re-enter the new password in the re-type new and click on save to save your changes.
Note: Make sure you are using a strong password for your account. It is advisable to choose a different password from the ones you use in other accounts from another website.

Control Who Sees Your Profile Information And Facebook Posts

·        Click on Privacy from the left-hand column in the settings page.
·        This takes you to the privacy and tools page. Here you can control who sees your activity and how people can find you. Look for who can see my future post?.
·        If it says friends, everything you post will be seen by your Facebook friends, but it says public, it means every post you make will be shared with the whole internet. You can select other options depending on whom you will like to share your posts with; by clicking the friends icon.
·        Click on the use activity log link to review all your posts and events youre tagged in. you can limit the audience for your past posts by clicking limit past posts link.
·        Under How people can find and contact you. You can control who sends you friend requests. Who sees your friend requests and who can search for you through Facebook or other search engines. All these can be done by clicking on the edit links to the right of the option you want to adjust.
Note: If people can see your friendship activity in another timeline, they can see it in the News Feed except you set  Who can see your friend option as only me. Though this only limits other people to see your mutual friends only.

Control Your Timeline And Tagging Activity

Click on the Timeline and Tagging link at the column at the left-hand side of the account settings page.
 Doing so will take you to the Timeline and Settings page. Here, you can control who posts on your timeline, Who sees what others posts on your timeline, Who sees posts you are tagged in your timeline. You can also turn on some features like reviewing posts you are tagged in before it appears on your Timeline, and reviewing tags people add to your posts before it appears on Facebook.

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