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Facebook allows you to sign in to your account using either your email address or your phone number. The same information is required of you when signing up. It's very easy to lose a phone number but your email can be accessed from anywhere so it's safer. Facebook also contacts you on important issues through your email address.

Every user needs a personal email address that links them to their account. Users even have the chance to change their existing email address if you might have forgotten the access to the previous one.

How to Add Facebook Email to Your Account

If you have signed up to Facebook using your mobile number you can also add your email address so as to have a Facebook email to login with. In other to add an email to your account or remove an email follow the steps below:

§  Open the Facebook homepage and login to your account.
§  In the top right section clicks on the Settings icon and clicks on settings.
§  On General settings, you will see your primary contact click on edit.
§  Select the add email option and enter your Facebook email.
§  Follow the on-screen instructions.

You will be sent a confirmation email when you add a new email to your account. Click the link in that email to confirm that you want this email to be added to your Facebook account. You can remove the existing email address that is there and add a new one.

@facebook.com Email Address

Facebook, in a bid to make its Message hub similar to what we have from email service providers such as Hotmail or Gmail; @facebook.com email address was conceived. 

This is the email address that is for your Facebook messages, basically. It offers individual Messenger applications for both the desktop and the smartphone; its roll-out of @facebook.com email addresses was a further push to make Facebook your primary channel of communication.

You dont need to bother much because your email address was chosen for you and is simply *username*@facebook.com, where your username is whatever comes after facebook.com/on your personal profile page. 

If someone wants to chat with you through Facebook Messenger but has no access to their Facebook detail or Facebook as a whole for some reason (like, say, if your workplace blocks Facebook.com), he or she can email your Facebook address and the email will show up in your Facebook message box.

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