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Dropbox – Dropbox Account | Dropbox Sign up

Learn to stop misplacing important files using Dropbox services.  With Dropbox, you can now make life less stressful and it will enable you to have a focused life. Well if you are just hearing Dropbox for the first time, you have come to the right place. This article will help you understand this service so that you can join others and enjoy life better. All you need to do is to hang on and read through this article for more details.

Dropbox Account


Dropbox is a personal cloud storage service (also referred to as an online backup service) that is frequently used for file sharing and collaboration. However, this Dropbox has an application made available for windows, Macintosh and Linux desktop operating system.
 Question like;

 How safe is Dropbox? 

It will surely come to your mind, now the answer is yes! Dropbox is a home for all your most valuable files. It is designed to keep files safe with multiple layers of protection, distributed across a scalable, secure infrastructure. For the fact that this service is safe for storing data, it also has pros and cons on which it functions. I will talk about the pros and cons right in this article to help clarify your mindsets towards this service.


·       It is completely free to use
·       No upfront charges or any additional charges once you start using the service
·       Automatically, 2gigabytes (2GB) of storage space is offered once you register for Dropbox


·       Now the developers of dropbox have the ability and right to delete your information once you are a free inactive user.
·       Users are not allowed to perform any form of encryption on their data
Hope this really helped; so you can now decide whether to use the service or not

Features of dropbox

There are some features that every user is entitled to make use of in this service.
  • 1.       It keeps your data in a safe state
  • 2.       It is also used to simplify team management
  • 3.       You can also share files using this service whether large or small files.
  • 4.       You can also connect your favorite apps with dropbox.

Dropbox account | Dropbox Sign up

Wow, the Dropbox account can be created in two forms. Now it is set as types of dropbox accounts. There are just mainly two types of dropbox accounts sign up which are; the one for freelancers and solo workers, one of the teams and businesses of any size.

 Depending on your target; you can sign up for an account on any of this option. Note that this service offers new member that wants to sign up an account using the teams and business option a free 30 days trial. But there is no free trial for that of freelancers and solo workers sign up. Let look into how to sign up for an account.

Dropbox Sign up

This is simply talking about how to set up an account with the dropbox service. With either dropbox app or through the website, you can sign up for an account. Let look at how to sign up using the dropbox app.
  • ·       Lunch the dropbox app
  • ·       Click on sign up at the top of the screen
  • ·       Enter your name and email address. Note that your username is now the email address you provided
  • ·       Enter your password and click on the “Agree” box to accept their terms and conditions
  • ·       Then click on the sign-up button below.

Now you are a full user of this great cloud storage service.

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